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El informe de la IMY muestra un tratamiento inadecuado por parte de los DPD

10 oktober 2023

La Autoridad Sueca de Protección de la Privacidad (IMY) ha publicado un informe en el que concluye que una minoría de los Delegados de Protección de Datos (DPD) asegura que su organización se ocupa de la protección de datos con regularidad._

IMY’s report is based on a survey where DPOs from almost 800 organizations participated. Among other things, the publication shows that 50% of the DPOs think that they get involved too late. Furthermore, the survey states that 25% of the DPOs do not have specific time allocated for issues related to data protection and that half of the ones who do have allocated time claims that it is not sufficient. In the report, IMY emphasizes the importance of granting resources to the DPO, such as sufficient time and information.



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