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El organismo Correos y Telecomunicaciones de Suecia (PTS) está iniciando una investigación del cumplimiento de la normativa del uso de las cookies

10 oktober 2023

La Autoridad Sueca de Correos y Telecomunicaciones (PTS) comprobará si una serie de propietarios seleccionados de sitios web cumple la normativa sobre el uso de cookies en los mismos.

Cookies on websites are used to collect statistics and gain access to information that is stored on, for example, a user's mobile or computer. Data may be stored or retrieved provided that the user gives their consent and has access to clear and complete information about the purpose of the processing. PTS has chosen to review Swedbank, the Public Health Agency (sv. Folkhälsomyndigheten), the Swedish Consumer Agency (sv. Konsumentverket) and Tele2 in their first review but points out that reviews concerning other organisations will be initiated in the future. Initially, PTS has requested information from the supervised objects, which will then be reviewed.

Source: PTS granskar om webbplatsinnehavare följer kakreglerna | PTS


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